
1-on-1 coaching interest form


1-on-1 coaching interest form


1-on-1 coaching application


You fill out this form, telling me all the things.


We schedule a time to talk.

I hear about where you're at, what you're desiring, and answer any questions you may have.

You'll get a sense of what it would be like to work together and receive some coaching & personalized support on your next steps.

If it seems like it would be a good fit to work together we'll talk about that. Regardless of your decision, the time we spend together can be healing.


If it's a HELL YES to work together in a 1-on-1 capacity, then we get you set up and get going! If it’s not, no worries! There might be other options that could be supportive, and otherwise I also might know of other resources that could help, in addition to whatever clarity emerges in our conversation.

Two options:

1) One-on-one ongoing coaching

I am opening for a few new 1-on-1 clients starting May 2024 for a five month commitment of ongoing, personalized coaching. We meet twice a month and I’m also available via email in between sessions. You receive a welcome packet and have longer (1.5 hour long) sessions at the beginning, middle and end. All other sessions are 50 minutes. They can be audio or video, and recorded if you’d like.

I may return to India next fall so the timing of our sessions at that point would have to be in the morning or evening, US time. We can talk more about that on our call.

Pricing: Five monthly payments of $600 or $3,000 paid in full

2) Daylong Personalized Retreat Also Available

Click here to read more about this highly individualized, special offering, which can be done on its own or in conjunction with ongoing 1-on-1 coaching. If combined with 1-on-1 coaching you will get $500 off the full price :)

Pricing: Three payments of $333 or one payment of $999